Business Networking Community Event

BBN Update & Next Meeting

Following the BBN meeting last month, it is clear that we are all going to be facing many challenges in the months to come, both leisure/hospitality and retail businesses. We highlighted the major concerns shared across our businesses, and as is prevalent throughout the country, those concerns centred on higher running costs, lack of quality/availability of staff, and anticipated lower footfall.

As a group, despite these many challenges, we believe that we are better placed than some business communities because of incoming international and UK day visitors, which it is anticipated will provide some cushion to our businesses through the winter months.

However, it was recognised that there is an opportunity to engage more fully with the local population, some of whom give the village a wide berth in the summer months, and now, with the cost of living issues, may be further delaying their interaction with local businesses.

It was felt that a collective marketing initiative would benefit us all, and it was suggested that a small working group be convened to discuss idea for a village promotion aimed at local residents, possibly utilising the Royal Mail services which could be targeted specifically at 6,000 or so GL54 postcode addresses. It was also suggested that the Bourtoninfo website could be utilised better, and help with improving this would be beneficial.

If you would like to be involved in this working group, could you email me by Monday 12th December, and we’ll convene a discussion group shortly thereafter.

If anyone has any ideas on marketing initiatives, again please email me, even if you don’t wish to be involved in a working group. All suggestions welcome.

Next Meeting

The agenda for our next full meeting is as follows.

BBN Meeting January 10th


The Old New Inn

1.      A Community Energy Project – Mike McKeown

We all know the challenge with the escalating costs of our energy bills in our businesses and homes, and the knock on effect that has on many of the customer numbers for local businesses where customers can no longer afford to spend in the way they were doing previously. 

Come and hear how one enterprising community are doing something about it. Our guest speaker is Mike McKeown from Thames Head Energy, a community energy social enterprise based near the source of the River Thames. (Covering Somerford Keynes, Shorncote, the Lower Mill Estate, Kemble and Ewen.) The two core goals of the initiative are to help the community as a whole and individuals; Reduce energy costs and Reduce CO2 emissions, ultimately achieving NetZero.

2.      Bourton-on-the-Water Community Loyalty Card.

3.      Marketing Bourton-on-the-Water – Working Group Update.

4.      Community Milk Vending – Working Group Update.

5.      Coach Parking – Update.

If we don’t see you beforehand, we wish you a happy and healthy festive season and look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Business Networking

BBN Meeting Report

Andrew Lund Yates kicked off the meeting by welcoming David and Ben Wilson from Fir Farm, and Graham from North Cotswold Rotary, who would be given the floor later in the discussions.

Business Update

Following the results of the recent BBN survey it is useful to gauge how those gathered feel their own businesses will fair over the next six months. It was clear that energy costs are of grave concern, with expected increases of 400% being reported. HospitalityUK are reporting concerns that around 30% of hospitality business face closure or hibernation in the next few months – if that transpires, up to 8 businesses could close in Bourton! There are signs that some trade is dipping because of the naturally quieter time of the year, and also people starting to feel the restrictions of their own higher energy and food costs limiting their trips out for socializing and shopping. However, there was a positive recognition that Bourton-on-the-Water is well placed to overcome some of these expected shortfalls, because the international tourists are still coming, and in increasing numbers from Asia. Their spending power is improving because of currency movements and their buying decisions are heavily influenced by the fact that they are on vacation, and willing to spend well. 

To attract more local custom, it was suggested that there needed to be a more coordinated approach to outlying villages to promote more of what Bourton has to offer from both a retail and hospitality and leisure perspective. It is clear that as a group there would be benefit from having a collective marketing approach and the VIC /BotW website could do with some revamping to assist with this. There was also a suggestion that a simple flier delivered to local GL54 households (around 6000) could be useful and it was agreed to set up a small working group via BBN to coordinate a double pronged approach.

Coach Park Update

After the last BBN meeting in August, there was a meeting with CDC, various other stakeholders including GCC Highways, Local Police, Parish Council, as well as representatives from BBN, but sadly not the directors of Bourton Vale Parking… BBN expressed grave concern that any loss of a coach parking facility would be of huge detriment to many businesses in the town and urged CDC to lead in providing an alternative should the closure go ahead. They have long been subsidizing the coach park bays, and it was the withdrawal of this subsidy 12 months ago which prompted BVCP to decide to end provision of this facility, coupled with the downturn in coach visits. A business decision that is fully respected by BBN. Alternatives have been and continue to be researched, and several have already been discounted. Temporary provision could be provided in CDC’s own car park on Rissington Road, although we sensed there was a reluctance to restrict income from that car park by removing car parking bays. Exploratory talks are taking place with the school, although if this was to prove to be a viable alternative site, realistically we are looking at several years before that could come to fruition. CDC are seemingly willing to act as facilitators in the process, but not necessarily providing a solution.

Bob Hadley, Andrew Lund-Yates, and JohnMcCabe met with the directors of BVCP a few days after this meeting to express the views of BBN that their decision would have a negative impact on business in the village, and they explained that their decision was financially driven and not intended to impact negatively on the businesses although they accepted this was an unintended consequence. They are willing to work with business to come to a sustainable solution and admitted that if there was a target date to which everyone could work they would be minded to postpone their closure date. Closure signs have now been removed from the car park.

There was a further meeting with BVCP, Parish Council and CDC and BVCP have agreed to postpone their closure date to 31/12/2023, which is hugely appreciated by BBN, particularly as it appears that the Asian tour market in 2023 is going to be extremely busy with three years pent up demand for travel to the UK.

There is a meeting scheduled for 8th December 2022 with CDC hosting to discuss progress on alternative provision, and it is very important that this is not the start of a can-kicking exercise, because we only have 12 months to provide a solution!

It was suggested that an email be sent to BVCP from BBN expressing gratitude for their consideration, and an undertaking that BBN is working with the relevant agencies to help provide an alternative solution.

Fir Farm

David and Ben Wilson explained their set up as Dairy Farmers in Lower Swell. They currently produce milk from a grass-fed dairy herd which they sell via a dispenser at the farm gate. They are interested to expand that operation and consider Bourton as a next step in providing fresh non-homogenised milk to the local community nth domestically and commercially. The outlet for product is seemingly limited to the vending dispense model, which may not currently suit all businesses, but the product is definitely a winner, and would be such as a story to sell to consumers.

Their vision is to have a community ‘shed’ type of structure which could house a milk vending machine along with other vended product such as local honey etc. Businesses could access these hubs with discounted rates for milk dispense/card payments. It was agreed to try and establish via BBN the sort of throughput collectively which businesses in the village might be interested in purchasing from Fir Farm and to get a small working group together to explore further with David and Ben.


Graham from North Cotswold Rotary explained their current focus as a fund-raising charity organization. They are currently working to provide practical support to vulnerable families and individuals in the North Cotswold area, by way of ‘Essentials’ parcels, providing toiletries, sleepwear and various necessities. Support is required from businesses in terms of volunteers to assist with packing items, and financial support in terms of funding to buy provisions, or actually gifting products which may be of use. Rotary also support food banks with provision of food items, again, business support in this area would be most helpful. Contact for anyone who might be in a position to help is Peter is Secretary of North Cotswold Rotary

Meeting closed with a suggestion that the next meeting be held in early January to discuss progress on the latest with the coach parking situation, and if anyone has an idea for topic discussion whether that be sales ideas, training, finance, business support, do let Jon know and we can look to get relevant presenters to attend the next meeting. It was felt a 9.00am-10.00am stint is about right, but happy to change that if anyone has strong views otherwise.

Business Networking

Hello World!

Welcome to Bourton Business Network! We are a not-for-profit collective, and our overarching aim is to provide a voice for the entire business community of Bourton-on-the-Water and to strengthen our ties with local people. 

We have emerged from one of the working groups of Bourton Tourism Action Group, that was initiated by County Councillor Paul Hodgkinson in 2020. 

We recognise that it is important for business to have a voice and for business people of all kinds to be able to meet others. Our aim is to represent the entire local ecosystem of commercial activity: plumbers, farmers, gardeners, trainers, self employed and employees, consultants working from home, industrial companies, service industries and the visitor facing sector too.

We envisage an alliance of collaborative minded individuals prepared to take action on the many challenges businesses face: of commerce, technology, environment, infrastructure, skills and well-being.

We aim to build a network to sustain a local community of interacting organisations within their commercial, physical and natural environment that will:

  • Support strategies for post-COVID recovery
  • Advocate for the development of, and generate ideas and suggestions for, a Bourton-on-the-Water “Neighbourhood Development Plan”
  • Enable access to innovative thinking and discussion of ideas, concepts and practices that can help improve your business
  • Provide advocacy on behalf of the business community with (amongst others) the Parish, District and County Councils
  • Encourage a more holistic and/or joined-up perspective of the business community that can create synergies, help businesses become more resilient and address significant trends
  • Be a force for good and mobilising effort, with the ability to react at pace, whether coping with addressing short-term problems or lobbying authorities where necessary, to make things happen that are beneficial for the whole local community.
  • Help you to get some fresh perspectives on your challenges, meet new people, generate ideas for developing new opportunities.

We almost certainly will fail to please all of the people all of the time! But we will do our best to ensure that the interests of our community are fully represented and work hard to generate a rich diversity of activity to ensure that we at least please some of you some of the time!


The band of active participants in getting BBN off the ground include:

  • Allan Hymers – Cotswold Ice Creams
  • Jill Hymers (Treasurer)
  • Andrew Lund-Yates – The Old New Inn
  • Diana Ray – Living Green
  • Jon Wareing

In addition, we’ve co-opted the support of the following enthusiastic residents, who bring a wealth of experience and connections, in organising Music, Art & Food on the Water!

  • Carol Groom
  • Lynda Hicks
  • Helen & Martin Macklin

If you are in business locally, or are retired, and would like to get involved, or just offer suggestions of things you believe a business network in Bourton-on-the-Water should consider, please get in touch by email or leave a comment below.