Local Business Issues

Ref: Imminent Closure of Coach Parking Facilities Station Road Car Park

As you are hopefully aware, Nigel Hackling has given notice to Bourton Parish Council that from 1st January 2023 he will no longer be allowing coaches to park in the Station Road car park which he owns and operates.

This obviously has serious ramifications to the businesses in the centre on the village, most of whom rely on the constant stream of tourist footfall throughout the year who support our various concerns.

In order that we can present a consensus view to Cotswold District Council, and Bourton Parish Council, I’d like to invite you along to an informal meeting on Tuesday next week at The Old New Inn at 9.00am where we can discuss the issue and formulate a response.

A letter invitation will also be hand delivered to all businesses in the village centre, whether you are directly affected by tourist trade or not, and everyone is welcome to come along. If you can’t make it for whatever reason and would like your view noted, please email me directly

I’d like to think we’d be concluded within the hour, 10.00am latest.

Hope to see you then

Kind regards

Andrew Lund-Yates